Are You Ready To Sync Your Sweat?!

For those unfamiliar with Sweatcoin, please feel free to check out our product review on it. To give you a quick run down though, Sweatcoin is a coin and app to help motivate people to get out and about by rewarding them for their movement. One of many fitness reward style apps out there, but this one is tied to crypto. With that being said, the idea of carrying my phone around to do what I bought my Garmin Watch for is unappealing. 


So I searched and finally found a solution to my fitness needs. So I bring you my findings today in a post as I found the answer tucked away in a forum, of which I'll link at the bottom.

Syncing Garmin Watches with Sweatcoin in 7 Easy Steps.

A couple of these steps are simple app installs, but bear with me.

Step 1 - Garmin Watch

Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music

Verify you are using a Garmin smart watch. There are plenty of smart watches out there, but this little tutorial here is going to focus on the Garmin brand and while this technique may work for your non-Garmin watch, I can not guarantee it. However, our next step relies on this one.

Step 2 - Download the Connect App

Garmin Connect Logo

Chances are that if you have you Garmin smart watch, the reasoning was to monitor your fitness and movements throughout the day, possibly without carrying your phone around everywhere. Which would also mean that you probably have this step done already. 


If not, please follow this link to Garmin Connect and get yourself registered and set up with Garmin, they have plenty of simple guides to walk you through.

Step 3 - Download and install Google Fit

Google Fit Logo

Now that we have Garmin Connect installed and synced with out phone we need to move onto the next component that will help to sync us to Sweatcoin. Being that Sweatcoin will sync with Google Fit we are going to sync out Garmin information to that. So if you don't have Google Fit installed already head over to Google Fit and get registered and then download the app from your appropriate store.

Step 4 - Download and install Health Sync

Health Sync Logo

Ok now that we are have the watch, Connect App, and Google Fit we are down to the second to last install. Health Sync is the next piece to this puzzle. Health Sync allows the user to take thier data from thier Garmin Watch that has posted to Garmin to Connect and thus sync it to three other services; Samsung Health, Fitbit, and you guessed it Google Fit.

Step 5 - Download and install Sweatcoin

Sweatcoin Logo

Rounding the bend to the end, we close in on Sweatcoin


You'll need to download the Sweatcoin App for your phone. 


This is the app that is the end point for the data channel we are creating, where all that sweet sweet Sweatcoin is created!

Step 6 - Sync Google Fit with Sweatcoin

Google Fit to Sweatcoin - Direction of data flow

In this step we start to make this data channel come together now that we have all the necessary parts. In this step you will sync your Sweatcoin app with Google Fit.


Now we did these steps in order to arrive here, as when you should have google fit setup before opening the Sweatcoin app. This way when you do open the Sweatcoin app it will ask you if you want to link it to your Google Fit app. Once linked your Google Fit app will provide Sweatcoin with the data it needs to provide you with that sweet sweet Sweatcoin.

Step 7 - Setup Health Sync as the Intermediary between Garmin Connect and Google Fit

Sources for Health Sync App

This might be the most involved part as you will be setting up a directional flow of your data, but once setup you shouldn't need to touch it.


Open up Health Sync and it should prompt you to sync a ‘FROM' data source, this is where you select Garmin Connect as you source. There are plenty of options there, and I'm pretty sure this tutorial could be used for each one….



Health Sync Destination App from Garmin

After this you will be prompted for a ‘Destination' app where your data will be sent. In this area, Health Sync allows you multiple streams to send your data out to based on the apps installed on your phone. The one we are looking for is Google Fit. Select Google Fit at the very least and if there are others select them too if you want. Then click OK.


At this point the line of data is running:


Garmin Watch => Garmin Connect => Health Sync => Google Fit => Sweatcoin.


With Sweatcoin gathering your data from your Garmin watch you are now poised to walk freely un-tethered with your phone and still earning Sweatcoins on the regular. Which was the whole point of me getting my watch in the first place, to leave my phone home on my runs. 


Ironically, I'll probably still have my phone tucked away somewhere from my other geo-spatial data collection apps I use with like COIN and GeoCash. But me I'm a nerd and I feel naked unless I'm tech'd out a bit.


Now with that said, there is one little caveat to this, and that is that you can not manually update your Sweatcoin through the app or Health Sync or Google Fit. The only way to update anything is to update at the point of discovery which is at the Garmin Watch / Garmin Connect link. So when the Garmin Connect app updates is when the Sweatcoin app will update as well, so if you can't wait for the auto-update from your watch then do a manual update on the Garmin Connect app.


Also you can't go back in time and neither can Sweatcoin, from what I understand if you don't update the Sweatcoin app daily from your Garmin watch you can not recoup ‘lost steps' from previous days so make sure that Bluetooth and auto-update are setup.


Well there you go. I hope this brings people some help as it took me forever to find this. 


Here is the link I got the original info tidbit from:

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